How To Become Career Ready Before Graduating College

College is all fun and games until you get to your final year and the thoughts of getting a good job start crossing your mind. School is one thing, and working is another. Some people never directly apply what they study in school in their workplaces. As terrifying as it may seem, there are ways to prepare for the job market while in college so you can secure a good job right after graduating college.

1. Join Career Seminars/fair
One of the best ways to be career-ready is by joining career seminars or career fairs. Job fairs are events where companies come and recruit people from various colleges and universities, and in some cases, the public. In these fairs, companies give out information about the different positions available, and they also have hiring sessions where they interview students for the positions they’re hiring for. Internships and actual jobs can be secured in this process. Internship  - One of the ways to get experience while in school is by working as an intern. Internships give you a chance to learn about the working world and gain work experience. There are various internships out there, and each one is unique. For example, you could intern at a bank, a tech start-up, or in marketing. Also, join career seminars to get a feel of the working world. You’ll be able to focus on school and still find ways to get your foot in the door of a career you’re interested in. These seminars help you learn about the job market, company culture, interview skills, soft skills, CV writing, and more. Having these skills will give you an edge when applying for jobs, and will increase your chances of getting hired.

2. Write a CV and Cover Letter
A curriculum vitae, or CV, is a document that lists your work experience, education, and other personal information. It’s the primary document you use when applying for jobs. A good CV highlights your strengths and experiences and also provides examples of your work. In your CV, you should include your name, contact information, GPA, major, and other relevant information. As a student, you may not have the work experience to put on your CV but you can highlight, academic achievements, roles you have taken up in other areas such as clubs, groups among others. Never think some menial jobs taken in past are insignificant when writing your CV. It could be as little as selling products on campus or delivering pizza but you have acquired the skill to sell and treat customers right. There are great resources out there to help you write a cv without any job experience.
A cover letter is a short, one-page document that you send with your resume when applying for jobs. It’s the first thing that the employer reads, so it should be concise and to the point. The goal of the cover letter is to get the person reading the resume to keep reading, so it needs to be personalized and it needs to make the person want to know more. It should highlight the skills and experiences that are relevant to the job for which you’re applying. It’s also a great opportunity to highlight any achievements that you’ve made that are relevant to the position for which you’re applying.
Both CVs and Cover Letters should be revised to suit the job role you are applying for. This means you should not apply for all job roles with the same CV. Always revise and update as you grow.
Your CV and Cover Letter should be ready at all times, you never know when and where there might be a need for it. Get a step ahead of your peers by getting these documents ready.
one of the ways to get experience while in school is by working as an intern. Internships give you a chance to learn about the working world and gain work experience, build your network in your field of interest. There are various internships out there, and each one is unique. For example, you could intern at a bank, a tech start-up, an office, doing administrative work, research, marketing, sales, and more. Internships are mostly unpaid but you may be lucky enough to secure a paid internship. it helps you build your resume and establishes you as someone who is professional and reliable. It is good to take as many internships as you can during your college years. The more experience you have, the better your chances of landing a good job.

4. Get important documents ready
A very important part of getting career-ready is to get all important documents ready, such as your passport, an extra form of identification, your emergency money, your emergency contact information. Most banks and lending institutions require applicants to submit their passport-size photographs, so make sure you have a passport photo ready to go. You should also ensure that you have copies of all your important documents, such as your birth certificate, passport, and driver’s license. This will make it a lot easier for you when you have to show your documents to whoever you are applying to or even in the course of the work.

5. Create a LinkedIn Account
LinkedIn is a professional networking website that offers an online networking platform for students, college graduates, and professionals. It is a great way to network and find jobs. I personally use a LinkedIn account and I value it tremendously. If you don’t have a LinkedIn account, you are missing out. it is a great knowledge sharing and acquisition resource and a powerful tool that everyone can use to showcase their career development and professional accomplishments.

6. Volunteer
Volunteering is one of the best ways to get career-ready. It gives you the opportunity to build your resume while also developing your soft skills and gaining valuable work experience. Volunteering can help you build your network and get to know people in your field of interest. You can also meet potential future employers and make valuable connections. Volunteering can be in the form of working with a nonprofit organization or with a community-based organization. You can volunteer at a soup kitchen, a community center, a homeless shelter, a school, a sports center, a hospital, a women’s center, or a youth center.

7. Acquire skills such as Driving and Swimming
If you are currently not able to drive, then it is a good idea to acquire some skills related to driving. This can be done in the form of taking driving lessons or by going for regular driving tests. You should also consider taking swimming classes if you are not already able to swim. This will help you build your ability to get around in the water, which is a must for lifeguards. You never know when these skills will come in handy. Driving is sometimes a requirement for securing certain job roles. These skills are a great plus.

8. Learn a new language
Learning a new language opens up a world of new professional opportunities. Not only can it help you build your network, but it can also help you build your career. In the United States, there is a huge demand for ESL teachers. It will give you the opportunity to travel and meet new people. It will also allow you to work in a different country, which can be a great experience.

Getting career-ready is all about being proactive. It is all about planning ahead and being ready when the opportunity arises. It is about being ready to take on the challenges and seizing the opportunities that come your way. It is about having the self-discipline to work hard, stay focused, and stay organized.
