Top 9 tips to make you more productive at work

Have you ever wondered how some people can stay productive throughout the day? The secret to being more productive at work doesn’t just lie in knowing how to multi-task, it requires more. The day begins and ends in a blink of an eye, and you find yourself wondering what you were able to achieve. If you apply the same strategies that some professionals use to be highly productive, you too can become more productive at work. Being productive is one of the most difficult things to do. We are often so consumed with the tasks at hand that we fail to realize how much time has already passed. This often leaves us feeling exhausted and like we haven’t accomplished anything. But the truth is that even a few minutes of focused productivity can yield enormous results.

1. Draw daily plans
Draw a plan for the day. The first step to being more productive is to get a clear idea of what you need to accomplish that day and draw a plan for the day. This doesn’t have to be anything complicated. A simple mind map will often do but if you happen to be a forgetful person, it is advisable to pen your plan down or pin it to the screen of your monitor. Remember to plan out your social as certain activities may overlap your working hours. Make a list of the most important things you need to get done, along with an estimate of how much time each will take. Then break those down into smaller, more manageable tasks. The aim is to focus on only one thing at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing at all, which is even worse!
2. Delegate tasks if possible
Delegating tasks to other people when you can is a great way to increase your productivity. The first thing you can do is to identify activities that are draining but aren’t critical to your work. If possible, hand those off to a colleague or hire an assistant to help you with those. This will free up your time to focus on the important things. This doesn’t mean that you should attempt to delegate every single task that comes your way.
3. Track your progress
It is very important to track your progress as the day goes by. Tools such as Trello allow you to add and complete tasks so you can track your progress. This does not only help you become productive but also gives you a sense of accomplishment whenever you complete a task which gives you more energy for the next.
4. Act on tasks Immediately
One of the greatest ways to become exceptionally productive is to act on tasks immediately they come. This technique is to prevent procrastination and help you make the most out of your day even if you are forgetful. Procrastination is a habit that develops over time, which makes it increasingly difficult to break. But by acting on things immediately, you are forcing yourself to get things done. This makes it easier to get started and prevents you from putting it off until the last minute. When you feel the urge to procrastinate, ask yourself why you are putting it off. This can often be the push you need to get started.
5. Set Reminders
One of the best ways to stay productive is to set reminders for yourself. This way you don’t end up forgetting about things that you need to get done. It is a good idea to set reminders for yourself at different times throughout the day. This helps to keep you focused and on track, which ensures you can get everything done. Reminders can be a great complement to your daily plan or to-do list.
6. Avoid time wasters
One of the biggest time wasters is checking social media and other sites. The moment you open your browser or click on a link, you are immediately pulled into the abyss of the internet and lose focus on the task at hand. Resist the urge to constantly check social media or other sites. The same applies to colleagues who may distract you with unnecessary chatters. There are several time wasters in our lives but it is always important to remember that time wasted is never regained.
7. Watch what you eat
A feeling of discomfort might be all you need to throw away in a potentially productive way. Though discomfort can be created by several things, a major source of discomfort may arise from what you eat. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortably full after a meal, you are probably eating too much. Eating too much food not only makes you feel bloated and uncomfortable but is also a major drain on your energy levels.
The same goes for eating too little. Eating too little can lead to fatigue, which can be just as debilitating as eating too much. Eating foods that may be sending you to the washroom every few minutes is also a no. It all boils down to knowing your body and what works for it. A small change in your diet can have a significant impact on your productivity. By eliminating or minimizing certain foods, you make yourself less prone to being distracted. This enables you to focus better on the important things, which in turn increases your productivity. This, of course, requires some research and experimentation.
8. Create a reward system
Everyone loves it when they are rewarded for doing something well. That is why creating a reward system for yourself can become your greatest source of motivation. Choose a reward that motivates you and then find ways to incorporate it into your daily routine. This way, you are never able to say no to the reward system, which in turn increases your motivation. You can also choose to create a system in which you are rewarded for completing certain tasks. This way, you are never able to say no to the reward. A reward system can take many forms. The key is to find something that works for you. Perhaps you want to reward yourself with a massage or a movie when you complete a particularly tough task. Or you may want to give yourself a break by heading out to a nice restaurant for a good meal.
9. Daily Assessment
There are several ways that you can increase your productivity by taking an assessment of your daily routine. This way, you can identify the things that are causing you to lose focus and can eliminate them. You can also incorporate new ways of doing things that have been shown to increase productivity. This makes it easier for you to stay focused and on track, which in turn increases your productivity day by day.
The best way to increase your productivity is to take a close look at your daily routine. This way, you can identify the things that are causing you to be less productive and eliminate them. You can also incorporate new ways of doing things that have been shown to increase productivity. The strategies that have worked for others may not work for you. The only way to find what works for you is to experiment and find out what strategies work for you.
