Best Online Learning Platforms in 2022

 Learning and acquiring skills today have been simplified immensely to suit the lifestyle of people. The days of being confined to a specific place at a specific time to learn are over. There are several mediums to acquire knowledge and skills without moving an inch. In this article, you learn about some top platforms that offer you great educational content to build on your skills and intellect.

  1. Coursera

Coursera is an online learning platform that was started in 2012 with over 80 million users presently. The platform offers a wide range of courses covering areas such as personal development, data science, business, computer science, health, social sciences, arts and humanities, physical science and engineering, Language learning, Information technology, and math and logic. With Coursera, you can enroll in short certificate courses and even a full degree online and earn recognized certificates from over 200 Universities and Companies. You can also find free courses on Coursera to build on knowledge and skills. Courses on the online platform can be accessed in 40 different languages which makes it open to a large audience. Below is the breakdown of the types of courses, duration, and prices offered by Coursera.

  • For people who want to quickly learn and improve on job skills and industry tools, Coursera offers guided projects with an average time commitment between 1 to 2 hours for $9.99.
  • For individuals who want to learn something new, there are diverse courses available with an average time commitment between 4 to 12 hours from $0.
  • For people looking to specialize in a particular field, Coursera offers specialization courses with an average time commitment of 1-3 months for $39 per month.
  • For professional certificates, Coursera offers courses with an average time commitment of 1 to 6 months for $39 per month.
  • To earn a university-issued certificate and credit towards a degree, Coursera offers courses with an average time commitment of 4 to 7 months at a starting cost of 2000$.
  • To earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree with Coursera, you need a minimum of 9000$ and an average time commitment of 2 to 4 years.  

2. Udemy

Udemy is another online learning platform that has been in existence since 2009. It offers a wide range of courses covering areas such as Design, Development, Marketing, IT and Software, personal development, business, photography, music, and more. A great component of Udemy is that it allows people who are good in specific fields to share their knowledge. It is a platform for both teachers and learners. Udemy has over 44 million users, over 183 000 courses, and 64,000 plus instructors. Udemy also offers courses in 75 languages and has had 500 million course enrollments. You can surely find a course for you on Udemy.

3. Pluralsight

Pluralsight is the sight for any technology enthusiast. Pluralsight focuses on building and equipping individuals and the workforce with relevant tech skills to help adjust to new and changing technology as well as study or work more efficiently. Pluralsight offers courses such as JavaScript, Angular, Core Python, and more. It is suitable for the student who wants to seek further understanding of the topics taught in school or the workplace that wants to equip its team. Pluralsight is the perfect learning space for any IT, Software, and Programming fan. The platform provides courses in the form of videos and allows users experience a 10-day free trial.

4.LinkedIn learning

LinkedIn is basically “social media for the professional space”. It allows users to create professional profiles, connect with other professionals, find and advertise job opportunities and acquire knowledge and skills. Currently, LinkedIn has close to 800 million users across the world but the best part of LinkedIn is LinkedIn learning. It is the knowledge acquisition tool for LinkedIn. It has 14 000+ in-demand courses for users to build on skills and acquire new knowledge. The courses cover areas such as business, technology, and creativity. LinkedIn is for any professional that seeks to add value to themselves and build long-lasting careers.

5. Udacity

Udacity is another great learning platform with a focus on students. Udacity seeks to teach and share skills that are friendly to the existing job market so their students can qualify for the best jobs and live great lives. Udacity focuses on tech-related courses covering areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, data analysis, programming, digital marketing, and more. The platform has over 1.5 million users and is best suited for technology enthusiasts.

6. Skillshare

Skillshare is the go-to learning platform for handy people. Do you want to learn about art, creativity, photography, crafts, entertainment, and more, then Skillshare is for you. Skillshare has a huge creative community with over 8 million students. Learn top, in-demand skills on Skillshare at your schedule. Skillshare also offers a free trial for new users.

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